Baba Naseeb Ud din Ghazi
Abul Fuqarah Hazrat Baba Nasib Ud Din Ghazi, were one of the Mashaikeehns.From his childhood, he was inclined towards religious worship and austerities and the company of elders.He was the successor of Hazrat Baba Dawood Khaki.He was a practical scholar and a promoter of knowledge.The poor used to come to his service one after the other because in his time he was a friend of the poor and needy.They never lived in one place but roamed everywhere. Despite giving up everything, he used to nurture the poor with wealth.
He used to build mosques everywhere and issue decrees. At last they came to the city and saw all the saints. He said to them, "Perhaps I will not be lucky enough to come and see you again."After that, he left the city and went to the town of Bijbahara where he died.
The caliphs and the people of the city wanted to bury Anjanab in the mill of Hazrat Muhammad Sheikh Hamza, but the people of Bachbara prevailed and buried him in the same town. This is the 13th of Muharram 1047ھ.